Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Addiction Recovery

Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Addiction Recovery

Substance abuse significantly alters the brain chemicals and leads to behavioral changes that impact productivity. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration mentions that one in four adults with a mental health problem has substance use disorder. The severity of this condition demands that the right tools and strategies are employed to foster recovery. One of the most potent tools to navigate recovery is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). 

Dialectical behavior therapy in addiction recovery has become a popular treatment due to its unique approach. It’s a form of psychotherapy that deals with multiple mental health conditions and high-risk behaviors.

To learn more about how DBT can play a role in addiction recovery, contact our trusted drug rehab in New Jersey.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Explained

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is an evidence-based approach that combats multiple emotional and psychological issues. Dr. Marsha Linehan developed it in the 1980s to treat substance abuse disorders and their associated mental health problems, such as suicide and borderline personality disorder. This treatment strategy is so effective that it is commonly deployed in the treatment of anxiety, depression, ADHD, and eating disorders.

DBT was developed based on CBT but differs from the latter in that DBT focuses on validation/acceptance and change. This is referred to as the synthesis of two opposites or dialectic, which aims to promote abstinence and reduce the severity of relapses. DBT’s dialectic approach balances the patient’s desire to overcome painful experiences with an effort to accept life’s inevitable pain. The aim is to find new meanings in the opposites and help patients uncover any connection. The ultimate objective of this therapy is to help patients live more purposely and fulfilling lives. When DBT is successful, patients can envision, chase, and sustain goals.

 DBT does the following:

  • Helps individuals get motivated to change,
  • Improves patient’s capabilities,
  • It generalized new behaviors
  • Creates a supportive structure or environment to facilitate recovery

DBT Approaches

DBT in addiction recovery is a multidimensional therapy that uses various techniques to change unhealthy behaviors. One of the approaches of DBT is teaching mindfulness skills, which teaches individuals to dwell in the present and acknowledge their thoughts, feelings, and the environment instead of meditating on the past. In addiction recovery, this technique helps patients have an increased consciousness of their cravings and triggers. By mastering the art of observation and awareness, individuals can slow their thoughts and focus on what’s happening inside and around them. This consciousness is powerful for managing the compulsive urge to use.

Another approach is emotional regulation. Most substance abuse stems from trying to cope with stressful or traumatic situations. Through DBT, patients can comprehend, accept, and regulate their emotions. By managing these feelings healthily, individuals can rely less on substances to cope with feelings.

Interpersonal effectiveness is the third approach. Many individuals in addiction recovery struggle with maintaining relationships. DBT can help address interpersonal relationships through interpersonal effectiveness. It allows patients to repair and build healthier relationships that will foster their recovery. In turn, it will help end destructive ones. DBT teaches individuals to communicate effectively, be assertive in setting boundaries, and resolve conflicts.

The last approach is distress tolerance. This technique teaches patients to accept negative emotions in distress or crisis and develop ways to cope with these intense feelings while maintaining a cheerful look.

DBT Treatment Modes

DBT is typically delivered in these four modes:

  • Individual therapy: In this one-on-one therapy, individuals learn to utilize the skills they’ve learned in real-life circumstances or situations. 
  • Group Skills Training: Group therapy helps reinforce positive behaviors. Individuals learn new coping skills and practice them actively within the environment. Outside the group training, the individual sets up an environment that will benefit their success.
  • Phone Coaching: Patients can contact their therapist for support when a problematic situation arises while sessions are still ongoing.

Benefits of DBT in Addiction Recovery

DBT treatment has helped many individuals find peace and healing following a tumultuous period of addiction. The profound impact of this therapeutic approach has been applauded by many individuals and therapists alike. Here are other benefits of DBT:

  • Reduced physical discomfort found when undergoing withdrawal
  • Less cravings and reliance on substances
  • Helping individuals set healthy boundaries
  • Curb behaviors that contribute to substance abuse
  • Foster interpersonal relationships through supportive environments

Finding DBT Treatment: Choose Excel Treatment Center Today!

Therapists who offer DBT in addiction recovery are specially trained to provide such services. At Excel Treatment Center, our therapists are certified and experienced. They help evaluate substance abuse symptoms and medical history to determine if DBT is appropriate. If you need clarification on whether it is DBT you want or more information about it, contact the helpline at (833) 883-9235. Let us help you get the treatment you deserve at our New Jersey addiction treatment center.

Trauma-Informed Care in Addiction Treatment: Creating Safe Spaces for Healing

Trauma-Informed Care in Addiction Treatment: Creating Safe Spaces for Healing

Substance abuse or addiction isn’t usually a problem that springs from nothing. It is merely a coping skill to obscure an enormous underlying issue, such as trauma. A statistic reveals that 75% of people with severe trauma became alcohol abusers. For most individuals in treatment, trauma is one issue that slows their recovery.

While trauma impacts people differently, the origins of these experiences usually center on the traumatic event, the response to the event, and the effect the event and the response create. Trauma and addiction are intertwined. That’s where trauma-informed care becomes pivotal. This article explores the meaning of the trauma-informed approach in addiction treatment, its importance, and its core principles.

Excel Treatment Center is a trusted drug rehab in New Jersey. Contact us today to learn more about how our NJ inpatient rehab can offer trauma-informed care for treatment.

What is Trauma?

Trauma is any disturbing event the body and brain can’t cope with. It can be a one-time or a series of long-lasting events. Trauma impacts people differently, but functioning at optimal capacity is almost impossible. What you call traumatic may not be interpreted the same way by another.

When you witness a disturbing event, your brain reacts by secreting the stress hormone and activating the fight or flight response. This is so because it perceives the event as dangerous. However, when this stress response extends due to the belief that you are always in danger and helpless to do anything about it, it can create lifelong consequences on your memory and emotions. It confuses the brain to think you’re in danger while you aren’t. This leads to using alcohol or drugs to cope with the traumatic behavior.

Trauma triggers are:

  • Childhood illness
  • Witnessing a disturbing event, such as a natural disaster, robbery, or plane crash
  • Lack of parental support or caregiver
  • Victim of a child, emotional, or sexual abuse
  • Bullying
  • Seeing a family member abusing the other

These triggers can affect your ability to cope with daily stressors, affect relationships, cause concentration problems, and make you hypervigilant.

Trauma-Informed Care Explained

Trauma-informed care is a meticulous, holistic approach that acknowledges the impact of trauma on those wanting addiction treatment. This approach recognizes that many people with substance abuse problems are traumatized, and untreated trauma can affect their sobriety. Trauma-informed treatment is vital to overcoming trauma and living more fulfilling lives.

Trauma-informed treatment aims to help patients understand and recover from trauma and not get traumatized again. Healthcare providers believe that by addressing the traumatic experiences associated with the addiction, patients can stop feeling guilty or shameful and come to terms with reality.

Benefits of Trauma-Informed Approach

The benefits are immense. Firstly, it results in a better outcome, as individuals understand themselves better and will work with a better approach to attaining recovery.

Secondly, it increases engagement, as patients interact with staff daily, improving communication skills.

Lastly, it empowers individuals to break free from their traumatic experiences and live an addiction-free life.

The Core Principles of Trauma-Informed Care

There are fundamental principles that guide trauma-informed treatment for addiction. They include:

  • Safety: This involves creating a safe space for clients to heal. In addiction treatment, it means establishing an environment where patients always feel mentally and physically safe. Security is essential, as it fosters trust and recovery.
  • Empowerment and Choice: Healthcare professionals enlighten the patients about their responsibilities and rights, leaving them a platform to make their choices and enforce their decisions. This is helpful for those who have their control taken away from them.
  • Trustworthiness: Providing trauma care entails creating a safe and secure environment. Healthcare providers must ensure staff members are trustworthy and consistent in patient interactions.
  • Collaboration: It involves working together as a team with the patient and the family to create a tailored plan that suits the recovery objective. Collaboration respects the individual’s autonomy and puts them in charge of their lives.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Cultural sensitivity means acknowledging people’s diverse backgrounds and respecting their culture and beliefs. It means incorporating their beliefs into the treatment plan accordingly. 

Trauma-Informed Addiction Treatment Approaches

Using multiple approaches in addiction treatment can guarantee a higher success. Excel Treatment blends all trauma-informed techniques to treat patients adequately to overcome addiction. Some of these approaches are;

Psychodrama: Excel Treatment specialists utilize guided drama techniques to help addicts manage their disorder. They help them develop tools to cope with stress and enhance their interpersonal communication.

 Experimental Therapy: ET entails activities and particular movements that keep patients actively engaged. Think of it as an outdoor exercise that involves spending time in nature. Activities like kayaking and role-playing can relieve symptoms of addiction and trauma.

 Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing: EMDR uses eye movement to help identify trauma and heal from it as you continue with addiction treatment.

Excel Treatment Center Uses Trauma-Informed Approach to Help with Addiction Recovery

Trauma treatment in addiction recovery is one of the crucial treatment programs offered at Excel Treatment Center. We have an experienced treatment team that understands the effect of trauma on patients and helps them realize that addiction came to be due to failure to cope with trauma. Our tailored approach is focused on transforming patients’ lives and responding to their needs. Our world-class addiction treatment center in New Jersey is equipped to guarantee your healing from addiction. Ready to take charge of your life? Call us today to get started. We are ready to help you recover your life and live happily ever after.

Can Individuals Achieve Treatment Through Telehealth Services?

Telehealth services have become widely used throughout the past two years due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic. While some facilities offered virtual treatment services prior to the pandemic, it was not the norm. However, when the world shut down, treatment centers had to scramble to find a way to help their current and potential clients.

The evolution of virtual mental health services allowed millions to seek the necessary treatment required during this time. However, many question the effectiveness of telehealth services. Despite skepticism, many people have received effective treatment and have gone on to maintain their recovery.

Learning more about telehealth services and their pros and cons will help you understand if it is a good option for you and your situation. Many find that telehealth services offer the flexibility necessary to carry out everyday responsibilities while seeking treatment.

What Are the Potential Cons of Telehealth Services?

Telemental health services offer people a convenient and cost-effective way to seek therapy, treatment, and other medical services from the comfort of their own homes or wherever they are. However, what are the potential cons of telehealth?

The first potential con of telehealth is that not every medical service can be done virtually. For instance, this may be more true regarding physical health and medical services. Blood work, scans, and other services require in-person interaction, but a good chunk of telemental health services can be offered remotely. That does, of course, come with its own set of cons.

Cons of Telemental Health

Some of the potential cons of telemental health services include:

  • Lack of body language. Therapists and mental health professionals can infer much about clients from their body language. When treating a client virtually – whether over the phone or via zoom – professionals can not fully see their clients’ bodies. Body language can improve communication with clients. Virtual therapy requires a client to be completely honest, as there is no body language to infer from.
  • Increased distractions. Many clients love the flexibility of telehealth. However, it makes it hard for clients to be fully committed or focused if they are at work, taking care of their kids, or commuting during an appointment.
  • Technology is not always reliable. Poor internet connection, lack of devices, or not having a quiet space to set up a laptop or computer can hinder treatment.
  • Less intimacy and connection. Most would agree that virtual connection can not mimic in-person interactions. Being with people in person creates a bond that can make treatment and recovery more successful.
  • Treatment may require a higher-intensity plan. Lastly, some mental health conditions or substance use disorders (SUDs) are severe enough to require in-person treatment. Perhaps individuals can consider telehealth as a continuing treatment plan, but initial in-person treatment may be necessary before doing so.

Benefits of Telehealth Services

There are definitely many benefits of telehealth services, but as mentioned, some require initial in-person treatment. Telehealth is an effective tool for individuals trying to maintain their sobriety. However, if you are searching for an addiction treatment program for the first time, you may consider a residential treatment program.

Some of the potential benefits of telehealth services include:

  • Convenience. Our everyday lives can quickly become quite chaotic. Telehealth services offer people the flexibility to seek treatment from the comfort of their own homes. That means they do not have to find childcare, take more time from work to commute, or find transportation if they do not have a vehicle to use.
  • More availability and fewer geographical restrictions. Considering telemental health options allows people to seek qualified help from individuals and not worry about them being within a commutable distance. That makes increases access and availability significantly.
  • Reduced stigma and intimidation. Telemental health treatment also reduces the stigma and intimidation of in-person therapy. It can be nerve-racking to seek mental health treatment, especially if it is your first time. Virtual services relieve the anxiety and stigmas surrounding mental illness and make people more comfortable with their treatment.

Telehealth Therapy

Not all services can be offered virtually, but there are therapies you can utilize through telehealth services. Some of them include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) – focuses on exploring thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and understanding triggers associated with your addiction or mental illness. CBT also concentrates on recognizing and changing harmful thoughts and behaviors.
  • Mindfulness and meditation therapy – can also be offered virtually. These practices can help recovery by increasing your awareness and self-examination and helping you feel grounded.
  • Group therapy – can also be conducted in a virtual setting. Like in-person group therapy, interaction is vital, though it can be challenging to interact virtually. Despite the challenge, it can be effective, especially when you can not attend an in-person meeting.

You must determine if the potential benefits of telehealth services for mental health outweigh the cons. Some people love the convenience and flexibility of telemental health, but you may be the type that needs in-person interaction. There is no right or wrong way to go about it, so long as it benefits your recovery and mental health.

In times of devastation, we must find the silver linings and focus on the positive. One silver lining we can focus on regarding the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic is the growth of telehealth services. With telehealth services, individuals across the United States can seek mental health treatment from the comfort of their own homes. It is normal to be skeptical of the benefits of telemental health care, but it is also okay to be the type of person who prefers in-person treatment. There are pros and cons to both. Consider the pros and cons of telemental health care today. For treatment, call Excel Treatment Center at (833) 883-9235. We can help you on your path to recovery. 

Benefits of Behavioral Therapy

If you are struggling with a substance use disorder (SUD), chances are you may develop symptoms of co-occurring mental disorders. Learning more about the different evidence-based modalities available during treatment may help you better understand your treatment options. Behavioral therapy is an effective way to heal.

Many modalities used in treating mental illnesses fall into the category of behavioral therapy. During sessions, you’ll work to identify negative thoughts or harmful behaviors. Then, you’ll attempt to deconstruct irrational thoughts and problematic behaviors. Ideally, you want to replace them with healthier patterns. This can prove helpful in the treatment of SUDs and mental disorders.

Formats of Behavioral Therapy

You may experience behavioral therapy in two formats: individual therapy and group therapy. Both of these options offer benefits that you may need in your healing journey. Which you’ll engage in depends on your support needs.

Individual Therapy

When people think of therapy, they usually think of individual therapy. Together with your therapist, you will explore the connection between thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. You will dissect past trauma, discover your triggers, and get to the root cause of your illnesses. With individual therapy, you can feel empowered to have some control over where the conversation goes. That does, however, require you to be honest about what treatments are working or not. You’ll also be exposed to a number of new concepts and ways of thinking.

Therapy also helps you manage your traumas, feelings, and emotions without substances. Individuals learn to cope with stress and cravings through many healthy techniques. These techniques can be used post-treatment and help individuals maintain a long-term life of recovery.

Group Therapy

In addiction treatment programs, individual therapy and group therapy work side by side. Group therapy may feel strange at first. Discussing your deepest and darkest feelings with strangers is challenging, but doing so provides excellent results. That is because group therapy is about connecting with people who understand your story. Isolation is dangerous, and group sessions remind you that you are not alone.

A therapist typically leads a group to provide structure. It is undoubtedly different than an individual session, but that can be good. You will learn to discuss your addiction and listen to others. We often forget how important it is to listen. Listening to the stories of others can help you. Moreover, your experiences have the power to help others as well.

Substance Use Disorders

A literature review published in the American Journal of Psychiatry examined the history of behavioral therapies for SUDs. The effectiveness of behavioral therapies was not seen until the mid-1980s. Even then, results were only seen when treating conditions like depressive, panic, and obsessive-compulsive disorders. These therapies were implemented into treatment programs at this time, but people did not believe them to be helpful.

Flash forward to today, and behavioral therapies are integral to addiction treatment. The growth of behavioral therapy techniques has made them highly effective for SUDs. Within a treatment program, you may be exposed to multiple therapies, including:

These behavioral therapies are only a few modalities that may aid you in your addiction treatment journey. As you go through behavioral therapy, you also may engage in holistic therapies that balance your overall wellness on your way to sobriety.

Behavioral Therapy and Co-Occurring Disorders

As mentioned, behavioral therapies are also constantly used in treating co-occurring disorders. A co-occurring disorder occurs when someone struggling with a SUD also develops a mental illness or vice versa. Examples of co-occurring disorders include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Bipolar disorder

When experiencing mental disorders and a SUD, you may fall into a cycle of negative behavior. For example, you may be in a situation where your anxiety is so bad that you continuously turn to substance use as a way to cope. That cycle repeats itself over and over again, leading to the development of a SUD. Similarly, symptoms of a SUD will intensify the longer it goes untreated. The impact of that SUD can trigger latent mental illnesses. In either case, symptoms of one disorder exacerbate the other, and seeking treatment for both is necessary.

The Benefits of Behavioral Therapy

Mental health professionals implement behavioral therapy when treating people with mental conditions like depression, anxiety, or SUD. This therapeutic modality can effectively treat co-occurring disorders. Behavioral therapies have a number of potential benefits.

When implemented correctly, behavioral therapy can improve self-esteem, change negative thinking patterns or behaviors, improve communication, and teach new coping skills. As discussed, these therapies can occur individually and in a group setting, allowing for your comfort as the client.

Not only is this therapy effective during addiction treatment programs; it can help in recovery. The skills you learn will aid you in maintaining your sobriety.

Behavioral therapy is integral to both addiction and mental health treatment. By engaging in this modality, you can improve your emotional regulation, thought patterns, and coping skills. You’ll find that you’re better at managing triggers and cravings too. Excel Treatment Center can provide you with all that and more. We offer a variety of treatments, including behavioral therapy. We’ll encourage you to engage in both traditional and holistic therapies to stimulate your mind and body during healing. Through symptom tracking, we monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed. When you’re ready to take control of your mind, call Excel Treatment Center at (833) 883-9235 to start your treatment program.