The Dangers of Self-Medicating

Self-medicating is a typical practice nowadays. Individuals often turn to substance use to cope with life stressors despite their awareness of the potential consequences. While there are many dangers of self-medication, the major one you may expect is the development of addiction. The more we use drugs or alcohol, the more the body requires it. If your journey with self-medicating has led to a substance use disorder (SUD), consider treatment immediately.

Causes of Self-Medicating

People may start self-medicating for a variety of reasons. These can include but are not limited to trauma, mental illness, and chronic illnesses. Let’s explore these causes further.


While there are many reasons individuals start self-medicating, trauma is a typical instigator. Trauma occurs throughout life, but traumatic events during adolescents can lead to substance use.

A study published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine showcases the connection between early exposure to traumatic events and intoxication through substance use. Researchers examined self-medication among youths in residential treatment for “antisocial behavior via recursive and non-recursive relationships between trauma history, substance misuse, and psychological distress.”

The study focuses on two hypotheses:

#1. The effects of trauma are somewhat “mediated by substance misuse.”

#2. The experience of trauma causes “a feedback loop between substance misuse and psychological distress.”

At the end of their study, the research supported these hypotheses. With this in mind, it’s reasonable to say that trauma likely creates a cycle of emotional distress and substance consumption.

Mental Illness

Trauma is not the only cause of substance use or the only reason people turn to self-medication. Many self-medicate to cope with mental illness symptoms. In fact, results from the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health indicated that 9.5 million people in the United States were diagnosed with a mental illness and SUD. From this, we can infer that untreated mental illness may be a leading cause of self-medication.

Chronic Illness

Trauma and mental illness are not the only potential instigators of substance use. Other chronic conditions may lead to self-medication. Individuals diagnosed with chronic pain, cancer, or any other chronic illness may turn to substance use to cope with symptoms. Additionally, they may want to numb complex feelings surrounding their diagnosis.

Forms of Self-Medicating

One of the most common ways people self-medicate is with alcohol. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is prevalent across the United States. People drink to escape their problems, have a good time, be more social, and ultimately inebriate themselves. Especially when trying to avoid stress, alcohol helps people temporarily forget their problems.

Drug use is another form of self-medication. Substances, like drugs, impact the reward circuit of the brain. This causes a euphoric effect which only perpetuates further drug use. People begin drug use for similar reasons — escape problems, inebriate themselves, or experience euphoric effects. There are a number of known dangers to drug use, including dependency, overdose, and death though.

Dangers of Self-Medicating

One of the main dangers of self-medicating is the development of SUD. With SUD, there are several short- and long-term effects, as well as the potential development of chronic health conditions and overdose.

Drinking causes several risks. Excessive drinking can lead to the following:

  • Violence
  • Risky behaviors like unprotected sex and drunk driving
  • Alcohol poisoning
  • Chronic conditions like heart or liver disease, a weakened immune system, or cancers

There are several potential risks of excessive drug use due to the number of drugs available. However, many dangers are similar to excessive drinking – chronic health conditions, drug overdose, impaired cognitive function, and death.

Another danger of self-medicating is that it does not resolve the underlying problem. Mental illness, trauma, and other distressing events have a profound impact on our overall well-being. Substance use only numbs us to pain and causes an uproar of future problems.

Treatment for Self-Medicating

If you are self-medicating to cope with a deeper problem, we encourage you to educate yourself further on the dangers of self-medicating. As discussed, it can lead to addiction and many other damages. Psychoeducation is the first step. It often helps a person understand the need for treatment.

Dual-diagnosis treatment for co-occurring disorders is the next step. A mental illness and SUD experienced in conjunction with one another are referred to as co-occurring disorders. It is usually hard to indicate which was present first In either case, dual diagnosis is required, and individuals must seek treatment for all conditions involved.

An integrated dual-diagnosis program offers many benefits. Individuals can begin to understand the relationship between these two disorders. Additionally, they learn coping skills to manage both and engage in treatments that help them heal and maintain recovery.

Lastly, you should find a support system. This can look like a 12-Step program like Alcoholics Anonymous or SMART Recovery. It can also mean reconnecting with friends and family. Moreover, it can involve leaning on others in your treatment program. The support system will ensure you have help building long-term recovery.

Do you drink or use drugs in order to deal with stress, block out traumatic memories, or cope with emotionally volatile situations? If so, we encourage you to educate yourself on the dangers and potential harm of self-medicating. Substance use can lead to addiction, chronic health conditions, and a number of other problems. To truly recover from trauma and mental illness, you must seek treatment. Excel treatment center offers comprehensive treatment to those struggling with addiction and mental illness. We provide a dual diagnosis program led by our expert staff. During your program, you might participate in traditional therapies, support groups, and holistic therapies. With our help, you can cease all self-medication. For help, call us at (833) 883-9235

Bipolar Disorder and Addiction

Many mental conditions co-occur alongside addiction, including bipolar disorder. Coping with multiple disorders can be daunting at once. However, there are many ways to manage bipolar symptoms and maintain recovery. In order to achieve recovery, you must seek treatment for all disorders involved.

The symptoms of mental illnesses and addiction exacerbate each other. Many individuals with addiction experience symptoms of mental illness. This can be caused by chemical and structural changes in the brain. Other people turn to substance or behavioral addictions to manage their mental illness symptoms. Seek treatment immediately if you feel you are in either situation.

Types of Addictions

Before discussing bipolar disorder, it may help to learn more about addiction. Addiction encompasses many struggles, including behavioral addiction and substance use disorders (SUDs).

Behavioral Addiction

When people become dependent on a specific activity or compulsion, behavioral addiction occurs. People can become addicted to the internet, gambling, sex, food, and even activities like shopping. Some downplay the dangers of behavioral addiction, but they can be as debilitating and cause as many problems as a SUD.

Alcohol Addiction

The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines alcohol use disorder (AUD) as a “medical condition characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences.” AUD is sometimes referred to as alcohol abuse, alcoholism, or alcohol dependency. According to NIAAA, a national survey conducted in 2019 indicated that 14.1 million adults struggled with AUD.

Drug Addiction

For many, drug use can become a mental illness, causing physical changes in the brain. These changes make it hard to quit drug use.  Diagnoses can include opioid use disorder, sedative use disorder, and stimulant use disorder. Not only does drug addiction cause physical, emotional, and psychological harm, but it can also lead to overdose and death.

Bipolar Disorder

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) describes bipolar disorder as a “mental illness that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, concentration, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.” It affects approximately 2.8% of the American population and consists of three distinct subtypes:

#1. Bipolar I consists of manic episodes lasting a minimum of seven days or severe manic symptoms that an individual requires “immediate hospital care.” Depressive episodes will also typically occur for at least two weeks. It is also possible to experience mixed episodes that include depressive and manic symptoms.

#2. Bipolar II includes a “pattern of depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes.” However, these episodes are less severe than manic episodes and last for shorter periods.

#3. Cyclothymic disorder, or cyclothymia, consists of “recurrent hypomanic and depressive symptoms that are not intense enough or do not last long enough” to be considered hypomanic or depressive episodes.

Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Indicators of bipolar disorder vary depending on the category. Symptoms of mania include sleeping less, high energy, racing thoughts, or increased self-esteem. Hypomania symptoms are similar but tend to be less intense. Depressive symptoms include sleeplessness, anhedonia, self-hatred, hopelessness, or suicidality.

If you recognize some of these signs or behaviors within yourself, consult a doctor. They will help guide you through the evaluation process. You might find out that you have a different diagnosis than bipolar disorder. There’s a lot of crossover between diagnoses. However, you might also receive an official bipolar disorder diagnosis. In this case, you know the path of treatment to follow.

Bipolar Disorder and Addiction

Many people with bipolar disorder use substances or behaviors to self-medicate. Bipolar disorder can cause anxiety, depression, and trouble sleeping. People think drugs and alcohol can help them cope. However, this is counterproductive for many reasons. Namely, substance use can trigger depressive or manic episodes in people with bipolar disorder.

When you’re first getting diagnosed with these disorders, it can feel overwhelming. Experiencing bipolar disorder and addiction diagnosis together can feel scary. Treatment can seem impossible, but you are not alone. You can achieve recovery for both conditions.

Your treatment should integrate therapy for bipolar disorder and addiction. Treating both conditions together is vital. If you treat one but not the other, it will exacerbate whichever diagnosis you’re neglecting. Through assessments, professionals can create a comprehensive treatment plan.

Dual-Diagnosis Treatment

When a person experiences two or more mental illnesses at the same time, this is called a dual diagnosis. As mentioned, bipolar disorder and addiction often occur together. Dual-diagnosis treatment programs are ideal when handling these two conditions at the same time.

The treatment plan will look slightly different depending on the kind of addiction. However, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides an idea of what to expect. SAMHSA states in a 2016 document, “Like treatment for bipolar disorder without a co-occurring SUD, treatment for co-occurring bipolar disorder and SUDs usually involves both pharmacological and psychosocial therapies.”

A reputable treatment program will also provide you and your family with more psychoeducation. Knowing the connection between addiction and bipolar disorder is vital to your recovery success.

Many people are trying to cope with SUD and bipolar disorder simultaneously, but treatment and recovery are possible. Through assessments, education, and a proper dual diagnosis, you can get a handle on your SUD and bipolar disorder. Excel Treatment Center provides all that and more. Our team provides the very best care available. Every client goes through a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation and symptom monitoring. With this, we can track your progress. Additionally, you can participate in a variety of psychosocial therapies meant to help you heal. You don’t have to go through this alone, either. Your family can participate in our family program, which can help them come to terms with your diagnosis. For treatment, call us at (833) 883-9235

The Importance of Individualized Treatment

Back in the day, the paths to addiction recovery were more rigid and uniform. However, professionals today have seen the benefits and improvements that come with individualized treatment. In fact, professionals across the entire medical community are beginning to see that not one path of treatment does not fit all clients.

All health care is most effective when tailored to each individual. The same goes for addiction treatment and recovery. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to addiction treatment and recovery or relapse prevention. To create a treatment plan, you must go through an assessment and work with professionals to create something that works well for you.

Addiction as a Unique Experience

Millions of people across the United States struggle with behavioral addictions, substance use disorders (SUD), and other mental illnesses. Despite being a common issue, each struggle with the above conditions is unique. No one person goes through the same experience, though people can relate.

For example, when you attend a support group meeting – such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous – you hear the narratives of people with the same disorder. However, each individual tells a unique story. These narratives offer a diverse perspective on how addiction, SUD, and other mental illnesses affect other people.

Due to the uniqueness of your experience with addiction, treatment must be individualized. That does not mean your treatment will not have some similarities. It means that you should have some power in your overall treatment plan. Treatment facilities should work with their clients and assess their addiction journey.

As the individual seeking treatment, you should feel empowered to make decisions about your treatment. Additionally, consider educating yourself on the potential treatment options as you embark on your recovery journey.

Individualized Treatment Options

Even when doing individualized treatment, there are commonalities. Typical treatment options for people seeking addiction recovery include behavioral therapies and medication.

Behavioral therapies are effective when treating both SUD and other mental illnesses. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most common modalities. However, you may also try dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), trauma work, and emotional regulation. Some behavioral therapies may work better than others, but being open about which works best with a clinical professional is vital.

There are also several medications that treat these conditions. Medicines are effective when treating depression, anxiety, and other mental disorder, but some people are weary of using them to treat SUD. However, many find medication-assisted treatment (MAT) effective in their treatment program.

Medication-Assisted Treatment in Individualized Treatment

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines MAT as “the use of medications, in combination with counseling and behavior therapies, to provide a ‘whole-person’ approach” to treating SUD. MAT is clinically effective and can help many people manage withdrawal symptoms during detox.

You will have to try different methods during treatment, but many individuals find that a combination of MAT, behavioral therapies, and support group meetings is most effective.

Choosing a Recovery Program

In addition to working with a clinical professional to create a treatment plan, you must pick a recovery program. Typical recovery programs include:

  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP)
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP)
  • Inpatient rehabilitation

Picking the right program is dependent on your specific situation. For example, some people may require more intense treatment and 24/7 care. These individuals most likely benefit from an inpatient rehab program. However, if your circumstances require you to stay home with your family and provide for them, outpatient programs are an excellent choice.

The Importance of Assessments

As mentioned, assessments are critical to individualized care. Some of the questions you may be asked include:

#1. How long have you been consuming substances?

#2. What substance do you most struggle with?

#3. Are there specific goals you have for your addiction treatment?

#4. Why are you choosing to seek out treatment now?

#5. Do you know of or are you aware of underlying issues that may have led you to SUD?

Questions such as these help therapists and clinicians understand where you are at in your journey and create a plan accordingly. You may also consider discussing personal goals with your medical team during this time. Together, you can work on implementing a timeline and goals for your treatment.

Advocating for Your Treatment Needs

Feeling empowered to advocate for yourself in your treatment program can be challenging, especially at first. That is normal for anyone new to treatment. Remember that an individualized treatment plan will be more effective, help you achieve your goals, and decrease the risk of relapse later on.

Do not hesitate to advocate and co-create your individualized treatment plan. Addiction is a unique journey, and your treatment should be specific to your story. To learn more about individualized treatment, reach out to a professional today. A life of recovery is just around the corner.

Millions of Americans struggle with behavioral addiction, SUD, and other mental illnesses. However, each individual story is unique. For that reason, treatment must be tailored to every one of those million Americans struggling with these concerns. That includes you. Regardless of where you are in your journey, you should feel empowered to advocate for individualized treatment. You must work with clinicians and case managers to ensure your goals for treatment are heard Excel Treatment Center offers fully individualized treatment. You can attend various experiential therapies that cater to your personality and needs. Additionally, you’ll engage in traditional behavioral therapies. This combination sets you on the path to recovery. If you require treatment, call us at (833) 883-9235

Gambling Addiction: How a Common Pastime Can Become a Life of Addiction

Gambling is a common pastime across the country, with an entire city – Las Vegas – referred to as the gambling capital of the world. For many, it is a harmless activity, but for others, gambling addiction becomes an incredibly debilitating illness that can be a challenge to recover from.

Individuals struggling with behavioral addictions should not take their situations lightly. The short- and long-term effects of behavioral addiction can impact their work, relationships, and ability to function daily.

Understanding Behavioral Addictions

When talking about addiction, so many of us focus on alcoholism or substance use disorders (SUD). The reality is that behavioral addictions can be just as problematic.  According to a literature review published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, “Behavioral addictions resemble substance addictions in terms of natural history, phenomenology, tolerance, comorbidity, overlapping genetic contribution, neurobiological mechanisms, and response to treatment.”

This claim is further supported in other scientific journals. As discussed in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, other behavioral scientists believe “all entities capable of stimulating a person can be addictive.” They claim that when a habit becomes an “obligation, it may be considered an addiction.” Behavioral addictions include many actions in addition to gambling. Commonly, people may experience addiction to the internet, shopping, food, and sex.

Behavioral addictions are similar to SUD in function. They impact the neural pathways in the reward system of the brain. People experience intrusive thoughts and compulsions. They urge people to repeat actions that cause a reward response.

A key indicator of behavioral addiction is the inability to stop or control these actions despite the harm or destruction they yield. People can also experience cravings when trying to stop compulsive actions. Addictive behaviors can physically change the brain like substance use does, making it more challenging to stop.

What Is Gambling Addiction?

Gambling addiction is just as it sounds — an addiction to gambling. Like other behavioral addictions, gambling consumes the lives of money and can lead to a number of problems, including financial trouble. According to the Harvard Review of Psychiatry, components of a behavioral addiction, like gambling, include:

#1. Continued engagement in a behavior despite adverse consequences

#2. Diminished self-control over engaging in the behavior

#3. Compulsive engagement in the behavior

#4. Intense cravings prior to engaging in the behavior

Additionally, the Harvard Review of Psychiatry also states that individuals with a gambling addiction often experience co-occurring disorders such as “impulse-control, moody, anxiety, and personality disorders.” Gambling addiction may trigger these latent illnesses, or gambling may be a byproduct of pre-existing mental disorders.

This idea is similar to thoughts surrounding SUD. The inability to cope with trauma, stress, or other distressing situations and mental illnesses may lead to the development of addiction.

Signs of Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is also sometimes referred to as compulsive gambling. Signs of compulsive gambling include:

#1. Constantly thinking about or wanting to gamble

#2. Lying about gambling habits to friends, family, or other loved ones

#3. Spending time gambling instead of working or being with family

#4. Recognizing unhealthy gambling patterns or even feeling guilty about gambling

#5. Unsuccessfully trying to stop gambling

#6. Using money meant for responsibilities, like bills, to gamble

These are just a few signs that may indicate a person has a problem with compulsive gambling. Some individuals also become dependent on the feeling of taking bigger risks. For example, they may need to increase how much money they gamble in order to experience the same high.

Additionally, people often find themselves in debt because of their struggle with gambling. They may start borrowing money from people and getting themselves into sticky situations because they can not pay those people back. It is also common for people to steal from loved ones in order to maintain their habits. In their scenario, financial trouble becomes a severe risk in addition to potential run-ins with the law.

Some people may be able to reduce their gambling slightly. They also may not experience urges and cravings when they do not have the money to gamble. However, as soon as they come into any amount of currency, they find themselves back where they were. Seeking treatment is the best way to recover from a gambling addiction.


Many treatment options for gambling addiction are similar to those that treat SUD. They typically include behavioral therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). These can be very effective. CBT, in particular, focuses on helping people recognize negative thinking or behavior patterns and changing them.

Medication can also help individuals with gambling addiction. They can help people deal with the underlying issues associated with gambling, like depression, anxiety, or other mental illnesses.

Support groups are very effective as well. Like Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, attending Gambling Anonymous (or other groups) meetings as needed keeps people accountable, helps them cope with urges, and reminds them they are not alone in their struggle

By engaging in these established treatments, individuals struggling with gambling addiction and co-occurring disorders can get better. They can be on the path to recovery.

Many compulsive behaviors impact the reward system in our brains. As we become accustomed to these rewarding or pleasurable feelings, we start craving more. These behaviors typically include addiction to the internet, food, sex, and gambling. Gambling can be a harmless form of entertainment, but it can become addictive. Individuals struggling with a gambling addiction can seek treatment at Excel Treatment Center. We offer both inpatient and outpatient programs that can help you learn to manage your addiction. Through our various groups, you’ll gain a support system of people who understand what you’re going through. To free yourself from an active gambling addiction, call Excel Treatment Center at (833) 883-9235 today. 

Creating a Self-Care Routine for Recovery

Life post-treatment comes with many challenges. However, there are things we can do to better prepare for these challenges and tackle them head-on. Ask yourself this: Do you currently have a self-care routine?

Having a self-care routine can be an integral part of recovery. Many people struggle to prioritize taking care of themselves. You may feel awkward or selfish focusing on yourself. Also, you might be socialized into always thinking of others. The truth is that your physical and mental well-being matters.

Defining Self-Care

The term “self-care” seems self-explanatory, but there are several stereotypes people often think of. For example, many people associate the concept with frequently taking lavish trips or having luxurious spa days. While vacations and spa days may be part of a self-care routine, self-care is not about constantly pampering oneself. It is precisely how it sounds, taking care of oneself.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines self-care as “taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health.” They claim self-care can help people handle stress, decrease the risk of illness, and boost overall energy.

Examples of Self-Care

You don’t need to do opulent activities for self-care. Simple daily tasks are a valid way to care for your needs. Eight examples from NIMH include:

#1. Daily exercise, which can consist of a 30-minute walk or whatever you enjoy that gets your body moving

#2. Eating healthy and nourishing food and drinking plenty of water

#3. Quality sleep and creating a designated sleep schedule to follow every night

#4. Experiment with relaxing activities, such as wellness apps, meditation, breathing exercises, or journaling

#5. Learn to prioritize and set daily goals of what must be done to prevent yourself from feeling overwhelmed but having too much on your plate

#6. Remind yourself daily of everything you are grateful for – writing it down will help you practice gratitude

#7. Focus on staying positive in the face of challenges or distressing situations

#8. Stay in touch with friends and family, be honest about your struggles, and allow them to help you when necessary

While NIMH recommends these tips for practicing self-care, remember that every self-care routine looks different. You may have to experiment with various practices and see what feels right for you.

Creating a Self-Care Routine

Some people begin experimenting with new self-care practices while in treatment. Many facilities implement holistic or alternative therapies in their addiction treatment programs. That may include yoga, meditation, or other mindfulness-based methods.

If exposed to these holistic approaches, you should try them out and see what feels good. Before leaving treatment, you will likely sit down to create a relapse prevention plan. Use this time to make a self-care routine and incorporate these techniques.

Next, you must consider how to incorporate these practices into your daily life. You can set aside a designated time and switch up what you do each day. Start out small by setting 15 minutes while getting accustomed to your routine.

You may also strengthen your self-care by doing it with someone else. Perhaps you met someone at a support group meeting who is also new to recovery. Going for a 30-minute walk or hike, practicing yoga, or learning to cook healthier foods is something you can do together. Not only does it keep you both accountable to a self-care routine, but it builds fellowship as well.

How a Self-Care Routine Will Help Your Recovery

Now, you may wonder how a self-care routine will aid your recovery, but believe it or not, it can. You see, the path to recovery is a path to wellness. While it is a broad term, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) define wellness as being healthy in “many dimensions of our lives.”

According to SAMHSA, these dimensions include emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, environmental, financial, occupational, and social. Achieving recovery is about bettering yourself in these dimensions of wellness, and self-care can help you do that.

Mental health — whether it is a struggle with anxiety, depression, or addiction — is about much more than mental illness. It also encompasses emotional and social well-being. Self-care is all about improving your well-being. In addition to helping you maintain recovery, it can reduce feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress in addition to improving your mood.

Combining Relapse Prevention Plans and Self-Care

At the beginning of recovery, you should create a relapse prevention plan. Relapse prevention may include coping techniques, weekly therapy sessions, and support group meetings – essentially whatever it takes to maintain sobriety. When done correctly, a self-care routine will support or be a part of your relapse prevention plan. As discussed, practicing self-care is a vital part of maintaining recovery long-term.

When you notice your self-care becoming less of a priority, it may be time to revisit your relapse prevention plan to make sure you’re checking all the boxes. Often, you’ll find that one part of the plan isn’t being executed. This might be a sign you need to recommit to the plan. It also could mean you need further support from a treatment program. Neither is a failure on your part. Recovery is a life-long process. Simply take the steps needed to get back on track.

Individuals leaving treatment and entering recovery should consider a number of factors. First and foremost, you must remember that life post-treatment has many challenges, and there will be risks to sobriety. The best way to handle these risks and challenges is to create a relapse prevention plan, and part of that plan may include a self-care routine. Self-care is about taking the time to do things that improve your physical and mental well-being. At Excel Treatment Center, we support your self-care needs by offering a robust alumni program. We have hundreds of former clients involved in our community. You can find friends who will hold you accountable and support you. Start your recovery strong. Call (833) 883-9235 today.