Returning to Work Post-Treatment

After going through addiction treatment, it’s normal for you to feel anxious about returning to work post-treatment. Whether you’re nervous about reintegrating into the working environment or fearful about seeing your co-workers for the first time since treatment, these feelings are valid.

Another factor that may influence your emotions is whether you can return to your previous job post-treatment. Your employer may or may not feel comfortable with you coming back to your previous position. This article will discuss your movement back into the workspace.

What to Consider Before Returning to Work Post-Treatment

There are many things to remember when returning to work post-treatment. Life post-treatment comes with many challenges. You must find a residence, a support system, and other resources to aid your recovery journey. Moreover, you must make sure you’re setting healthy boundaries. This can feel difficult fresh out of treatment.

Unfortunately, finding employment may be another challenge. As mentioned, a previous employer may have concerns about you returning to work. It’s especially tricky if addiction impacted your performance. Luckily, more employers today look at addiction as a disease. Your employer might have resources to offer you, such as employee assistance programs. These kinds of programs may be a great asset as you gain your footing in recovery.

Now Might Be Time for a Change

If you cannot return to an employer post-treatment and need a silver lining, consider that now may be the time to do something new. Recovery is all about making life changes. Why not make one more and consider a new career? Maybe you should throw yourself into a job you always wanted to try.

Treatment can be a perfect time to set new goals for your career and life in recovery. You can begin with small objectives. Instead of jumping right into major career movies, concentrate on becoming comfortable with your newfound life of recovery. Focus on mending relationships and cutting out past acquaintances associated with substance use. Find a support group in your area and attend your first meeting. These are all small tasks you can begin to guide yourself post-treatment.

Considering Other Career Paths or Furthering Your Education

Think about your career goals once you feel more established in your new life of recovery. If you have a hard time deciding what you want to do with the rest of your life, don’t fret. A lot of people have trouble with this. Consider seeing a career counselor or shadowing professionals with jobs that interest you. The more you learn about potential careers, the more you can gauge your interest and weigh the pros and cons.

Another option to consider is if you want to go back to school. Many people pursue education post-treatment, especially if it matches their long-term career goals. Consider programs or fields you would like to learn more about while still in treatment. Then upon leaving treatment, sign up for some courses if it makes sense financially.

Learn to Go With the Flow

If your journey with addiction has taught you anything, it’s that you can never really predict what life is going to throw at you. Planning is necessary, but so is adaptability. Set goals for yourself, but don’t let unexpected turns trigger you.

You don’t need to have everything figured out before leaving treatment. Taking the time to be present and acknowledge that you’ve made it to this point is a priority. Early recovery can be challenging, but take it all in. There will be plenty of time to focus on a new career or re-enter the workforce. If time and finances allow, use early recovery to reintroduce yourself to yourself.

Returning to Work Post-Treatment

When transitioning from inpatient rehab back into the outside world, outpatient programs may serve as a good middle step. These programs are an excellent choice for people who do not need 24/7 care and need to hold steady employment. They are flexible and give clients control over the recovery process.

Telehealth treatment may also be a tool that lets you continue receiving addiction treatment when returning to work. The extra support may offset the added stress of returning to the workforce. Additionally, you can attend outpatient therapy just to help you stay on track with your sobriety. Opportunities for support as you go back to work are endless. All you need is the proper guidance and resources to help you do so.

If you feel nervous about returning to work post-treatment, try not to let it get to you. The whole process of getting sober puts you outside your comfort zone. Instead of feeling worried, think about this as an opportunity for growth and renewal. You’ve created a life of recovery for yourself — focus on the joy of living that life.

If you’re anxious about returning to work post-treatment, know that you are not alone. Life post-treatment comes with many challenges, but these are challenges everyone experiences. Utilize your time in treatment to think about your life and set goals for yourself throughout your long-term recovery. If you need support as you navigate a shift in your career, Excel Treatment Center can help. In addition to inpatient services, we offer multiple outpatient programs of varying intensities. You can gradually re-enter the workplace while still receiving addiction treatment. Our therapists can offer you guidance on making sure you don’t overextend yourself early in recovery. For more information on returning to work post-treatment, call Excel Treatment Center at (833) 883-9235

Seeking Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders

It is common for individuals struggling with addiction to develop other mental illnesses. People with mental illnesses may also self-medicate, causing a substance addiction to form. In fact, most people with an addiction or substance use disorder (SUD) struggle with co-occurring disorders.

Whether a person’s struggle with mental illness has led to substance use or vice versa, achieving recovery requires treatment for all disorders involved. Treatment for a mental and substance use disorder occurs in a dual-diagnosis program. When considering treatment options, individuals should question whether or not a program can accommodate a dual diagnosis.

Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorders

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) describes a SUD as a “mental disorder that affects a person’s brain and behavior, leading to a person’s inability to control their use of substances such as legal or illegal drugs, alcohol, or medications.”

As mentioned previously, individuals who experience SUD tend to experience a co-occurring mental disorder, which may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Major depressive disorder (MDD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Gambling addiction

Just as biological, environmental, and social factors influence the cause of addiction, so are the causes of mental and substance use disorders in these situations. Understanding the complex connection between these disorders can hopefully help individuals see the importance of dual-diagnosis treatment.

How Are Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorders Connected?

In a dual diagnosis, it is hard to determine if one disorder is causing another or which developed first. The National Library of Medicine indicates three possible reasons why substance use and mental disorders occur together. Those reasons include:

#1. Risk factors – genetics, stress, and trauma – can contribute to developed mental and substance use disorders.

#2. People with mental disorders may use drugs and alcohol to cope with their symptoms. Doing this is known as self-medicating.

#3. Excessive substance use can physically alter the body and brain, affecting their functions. So, when these changes occur, it can increase the chance of developing a mental disorder.

In truth, knowing which disorder came first is not as important as creating an individualized treatment plan that helps all co-occurring conditions. If one disorder is treated as primary and the other as secondary, the treatment may not be as effective. All disorders must be treated as equally impactful. It’s crucial to find a treatment center that understands this.

Diagnosing Co-Occurring Disorders

Before treatment for addiction and co-occurring disorders can begin, there must be a diagnosis. Making a dual diagnosis can be a challenge. That is because symptoms of mental illness and addiction can be identical. There are, however, some indications that help identify dual diagnosis, including:

  • Individuals using substances to handle negative feelings or past trauma
  • Experiencing adverse effects on mental health because of substance use
  • A family history of mental illness in addiction

Any reputable doctor will ask about this information to ensure they’re making a proper diagnosis. If a medical provider doesn’t do this, the patient should seek out a different doctor.

Treating Co-Occurring Disorders

Upon reaching out to a doctor or treatment professional, a successful diagnosis can be made, and treatment can begin. Multiple forms of treatment exist that can help with co-occurring disorders. Additionally, many treatments used in addiction recovery are similar to those utilized when treating other mental illnesses. Two primary approaches to treatment include behavioral therapies and medication-assisted treatment (MAT).

Behavioral Therapies

NIMH indicates a few behavioral therapies that can effectively treat substance use and mental disorders. Those therapies include:

#1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps people learn to cope with difficult situations by changing their behavior and challenging harmful or negative thoughts.

#2. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) teaches skills that help control intense emotions, reduce self-destructive behaviors, and regulate emotions.

#3. Assertive community treatment (ACT) is community-based, emphasizing outreach to communities and individual therapy.

#4. Therapeutic communities (TC) are long-term residential treatments concentrating on helping individuals develop healthy behaviors.

#5. Contingency management (CT) fosters health behaviors in people through a type of reward system dependent on positive behaviors.

These group and individual therapies teach coping skills, alter unhelpful behaviors, and develop a strong support system.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

In addition to behavioral therapies, medications can help people cope with addiction and co-occurring disorders. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines MAT as “the use of medication, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a ‘whole-patient’ approach to the treatment of substance use disorders.” Certain medications, under medical supervision, can be beneficial during detox and withdrawal. Other medications can help maintain sobriety during rehabilitation.

A combination of medication, individual counseling, group therapy, and even family-based treatment can help individuals recover from their struggle with SUD and mental illness. To live a life of recovery, you must consider a program that can treat a dual diagnosis.

Substance use disorders can be difficult to treat depending on the type of substance, the potency, and the longevity of use. Unfortunately, the majority of individuals struggling with addiction are also struggling with a mental illness. Some people experience symptoms of mental illness as a symptom of addiction, while others turn to substance use to cope with their mental disorder. In either scenario, if you hope to live a life of recovery, you must seek treatment for both substance use and mental health disorders. At Excel Treatment Center, we provide comprehensive psychiatric evaluations to ensure our clients receive the right care. If you or someone you know is ready to heal from addiction and co-occurring disorders, call us at (833) 883-9235

What to Do When Both You and Your Spouse Struggle With Addiction

Do both you and your spouse struggle with addiction? Are these struggles affecting your relationship — or other areas of your life – making it difficult for either of you to discover a life beyond active addiction? Many people fall into vicious cycles of toxic relationships with their significant others, especially when addiction is involved.

Marriage Counseling for Couples With Addiction

Let’s face it, relationships are tough. Couples, regardless of struggles with addiction, benefit from marriage counseling, couples therapy, or other professional services. You may struggle with a lack of communication or sometimes a general loss of connection.

When addiction is involved, professional services are sometimes inevitable. Some mental health professionals most often see relationships where one partner struggles with substance use or mental health disorders. However, it is common for both you and your partner to develop an addiction. In these scenarios, addiction affects you both and your relationship.

If you and your spouse struggle with addiction, recovery is possible. You can enter treatment on your own or attempt to achieve sobriety together. In fact, attending counseling together can benefit your recovery and your ability to support each other in recovery. A harsh reality to remember is that your partner may not want to seek treatment. If so, the relationship must end if you hope to achieve recovery for yourself.

Why Do You and Your Spouse Struggle With Addiction?

There is not a single reason why you and your spouse struggle with addiction. The cause of addiction in any person remains unknown, though research indicates that biological, environmental, and social factors impact the development of addiction.

With that in mind, relationships sometimes form from one commonality – addiction. It is common for two people to meet through mutual acquaintances associated with substance use. When that happens, substance use becomes the toxic foundation of your relationship.

Of course, relationships founded on substance use are not the only scenarios professionals encounter. You may develop an addiction for other reasons, such as work stress, financial struggles, or having kids before you’re ready.

The chances of you and your spouse both developing an addiction may seem slim, but it is possible. Unfortunately, couples who want to achieve recovery together must do some individual work. To understand why you and your spouse struggle with addiction, you must both dive into your past to unveil the root cause of the problem.

The Harm of Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships filled with substance use have many harmful effects, and recognizing the signs of addiction is imperative. Any unhealthy relationship is dangerous. They can lead you or your partner to addiction, depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. Recognizing the warning signs can be integral in your treatment journey. Avoiding toxicity is vital for recovering from a substance use disorder (SUD).

Staying in a toxic relationship may also make it harder to seek treatment. If untreated, addiction causes long-term damage to your major organs, leads to other mental disorders, and puts you at risk of death by overdose. Couples using together may not want the same thing. If your partner refuses to recognize the problem, you must walk away if you hope to live a life free from active addiction.

Seeking Treatment Together

As mentioned, couples can embark on their recovery journey together – but individual treatment is still necessary. Behavioral couples therapy (BCT) may be an option if you and your spouse seek sobriety. According to an article published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, BCT is “designed for married or cohabitating individuals seeking help for alcohol or drug abuse.” This method will aid in your recovery journey and improve the functionality of your relationship.

Post-treatment, you may consider continuing couples therapy as part of your relapse prevention plan. Couples therapy is often a helpful tool for your relationship, but you should also continue individual therapy post-treatment.

Why Individual Treatment Is Important

Despite seeking treatment together, you must not ignore individual therapy as you and your partner work toward sobriety. Earlier, we discussed how achieving recovery requires you to understand the root cause of the problem. Getting to the root cause of your addiction may be best practiced as an individual journey since it will require diving into your past or potential trauma. Many therapy options can help you discover the root, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR). You will feel empowered to take control of your treatment and recovery when you focus on the individual aspects of the journey.

Seek Treatment Today if You and Your Spouse Struggle With Addiction

Do not hesitate to speak with your medical provider if you fear you and your spouse are struggling with addiction. There are several options to consider whether you embark on your recovery journey alone or together.

However, keep in mind that the worst thing an individual can do is not seek treatment for themselves. Your spouse may not be willing to recognize the dangers of untreated addiction. That does not mean you should suffer alone. If your spouse is opposed to treatment, seek it for yourself today.

Toxic relationships cause harm to individuals. Partners can develop depression, anxiety, addiction, and other disorders. Some relationships are founded on the commonality of substance use. Seeking treatment is imperative if you and your spouse struggle with addiction. Unfortunately, your spouse may not want to seek treatment. In that case, you must realize that the relationship will continue causing harm. You both can, however, embark on your journey to recovery together at Excel Treatment Center. We offer a variety of therapies that can help you and your spouse, including individual therapy, group therapy, and holistic therapies. To learn more about the options available at Excel, call us at (833) 883-9235 today. 

The Importance of Family Participation During Treatment

Addiction is a disease that affects the whole family. Family members often feel the impact of addiction in a very real way, which can lead to feelings of anger, resentment, and frustration. While these emotions are natural, they can also be detrimental to one’s treatment if left unchecked. Addiction treatment programs should include family members to learn how their loved one’s behavior affects them and gain important coping skills for dealing with this difficult situation.

Addiction Is a Family Disease

Addiction is a family disease because it affects everyone in the family – not just the addicted person. It often makes them feel like they have no power over what happens in their life. Such a feeling is the reason why it is important to educate yourself and others about addiction. When the family is on the same page, you can work together to decide how to help your loved one get better.

Family members often feel helpless when dealing with an addicted loved one. They want to do something but don’t know where to start or think their actions won’t make a difference. This feeling is common among all families affected by addiction. It’s important for family members of someone suffering from addiction to understand that they need each other to heal.

Utilizing Family Therapy

Family therapy can be an opportunity for education and healing. Such education allows family members to understand addiction and their role in their loved one’s journey to sobriety. In addition, family therapy can help families understand how to interact with their loved ones during the treatment process.

Family therapy is a great way for you and your loved ones to learn about addiction and recovery. The process of seeking treatment for a loved one struggling with addiction can be overwhelming, confusing, and even scary. It is especially true if you don’t know what questions are important to ask when seeking treatment. Understand that there are options for yourself and your loved one struggling with substance use disorder (SUD). There are many different types of treatment programs available today. Learning as much as possible about them before deciding will ensure that you choose the best options based on your needs, preferences, and budget.

Establishing Healthy Boundaries

Family therapy is effective for many reasons, one of which is establishing healthy boundaries. Family therapy can help you learn how to say:

  • No. You may be used to saying yes and losing yourself in the process. However, in recovery, it’s important to learn how to set boundaries with your family. Boundaries prevent family members from taking advantage of one another. Being firm in what you will or will not accept will also prevent you from enabling a loved one to practice unhealthy habits.
  • Yes. Family therapists are trained to coach their clients through difficult conversations with loved ones. A therapist can help even the most stubborn people change their mindsets as they move forward on their journeys toward recovery. However, saying yes has its drawbacks, too. It can prevent us from getting our needs met by those closest to us because we’re afraid of confrontation.
  • Questioning your response. This might seem like an odd addition here, but think about it; we’re all familiar with saying yes when we should have said no. The best course of action to take is to think about the overall wellness of your family. Will your decision ultimately support wellness or spare feelings? If it is the latter, you’ll need to understand that sometimes your loved ones might not be happy with your response, but it is about putting their health and your health first.

Family Involvement Help With Long-Term Sobriety

The involvement of family and loved ones during treatment means their loved one is more likely to stay sober after treatment ends. It also improves their experience during treatment by creating a comfortable environment for them.

The most important thing you can do as a family member or friend of someone in addiction treatment is to get involved with their care. While you may not have a lot of control over the situation, there are many ways that you can help your loved one become successful at staying sober after rehab. Family participation can help in so many ways, like:

  • Family participation in treatment can increase long-term success rates
  • Family participation in treatment can help the family feel more comfortable
  • Family participation in treatment can help the family feel more involved in your recovery process
  • Family participation in treatment can help the family feel more engaged with you, which will be beneficial for both of you as you work through your issues together and learn from one another’s experiences

 Family involvement through treatment and recovery is important for those struggling with addiction. The support of those around them can make or break their recovery. Treatment and recovery are already difficult enough; family support can really aid in long-term sobriety for those struggling with addiction. There is no denying that the involvement of family and loved ones during treatment means their loved one is more likely to stay sober after treatment ends. It also improves their experience by creating a comfortable environment for them. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, we want to be here to help you through it. Here at Excel Treatment Center, we want to help families support their loved ones and also get the help they need as they support their loved ones. We want to help you through this process. Please reach out at (833) 883-9235

How SMART Recovery Programs Factor Into Addiction Treatment

SMART Recovery is a four-point program created by healthcare specialists who have been in the field for over 30 years. It’s a science-based method that has helped thousands of people recover from addictive behaviors. SMART Recovery uses tools to help individuals with substance use disorder (SUD) change their thinking, emotions, behavior, and lifestyle. The program includes meetings where you can share your experiences with others going through similar difficulties, online support groups, and other resources to keep you on track.

What Is SMART Recovery?

SMART Recovery is a national organization dedicated to helping people overcome addiction with a four-point program. The acronym stands for Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART); the program is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The SMART Recovery method is based on science and does not focus on spirituality. The SMART Recovery program is one of the most well-researched addiction recovery programs, with a robust scientific foundation.

The Four Point Program

The SMART Recovery four-point program is designed to help you change your thinking, emotions, behavior, and lifestyle. The four points are:

  1. Building and maintaining the motivation to change
  2. Coping with urges to use
  3. Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in an effective way without addictive behaviors
  4. Living a balanced, positive, and healthy life

SMART Recovery is a multifaceted strategy that guarantees the client receives comprehensive care. It is a well-rounded approach to give each client the best possible chance at Recovery.

How It Works

SMART Recovery is based on the principles of CBT. CBT helps individuals change their behavior by altering their thoughts, feelings, and actions. This approach takes a holistic approach to Recovery, recognizing the connection between physical health, mental health, and addiction.

SMART Recovery is also based on motivational enhancement therapy (MET), which focuses on helping individuals recognize the pros and cons of substance use. A therapist might ask questions such as: “What do you get out of using? What are some downsides?” The goal is to help clients identify a new way of thinking about substance use that can provide healthier alternatives to using substances.

Finally, SMART Recovery incorporates rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), which teaches people how to deal with negative emotions in ways that don’t include self-destructive behaviors. The idea behind this technique is that it’s possible for individuals struggling with co-occurring disorders such as anxiety and depression, or any other kind of mental illness, to create positive changes in their lives.

The Steps of SMART Recovery

There are four steps to the SMART recovery program. These steps promote well-rounded care, whether you struggle with drugs or alcohol, gambling addiction, or other addictions. It can be a vital portion of your treatment to help you become successful in Recovery.

First Step

The first step toward Recovery is recognizing that there is a problem. It’s important to understand that drug addiction or alcoholism can be overcome with the right support and that you are in charge of your recovery process. You should know that SMART Recovery offers solutions for overcoming addiction.

Second Step

The second step of SMART recovery involves developing a list of pros and cons for continuing your current behavior or changing it. This will help you gain insight into your behavior’s advantages, disadvantages, and costs.

  • Pro: I can drink whenever I want.
  • Con: I have to deal with my hangovers every single time.
  • Pro: Alcohol numbs my anxiety and makes me feel good about myself for a few hours.
  • Con: The next day, I feel terrible because I drank too much and didn’t eat anything all night long; then, my anxiety comes back tenfold, and so does my depression.

Third Step

The third step of SMART recovery involves learning how to manage cravings and prevent relapse into old habits and addictions. Cravings are a normal part of the recovery process, but it can be easy to misinterpret them. You may believe yourself to be weak or failing in your sobriety. The more you understand cravings, the easier it is to deal with them in a healthy way, and this is where SMART Recovery comes in.

In SMART Recovery groups, members learn how to deal with their circumstances when they experience cravings for substances. Instead of succumbing to feelings of defeat or guilt when we feel tempted to use, we remember our commitment and use our resources wisely.

Fourth Step

Step four is crucial to learning how to maintain balance without falling back into old habits. This is an important part of the SMART recovery program; it helps you fight urges or cravings. It also gives you the tools needed to get through stressful situations and avoid triggers that could lead to relapse.

Learning this skill early on in the process will help prevent relapses later down the road, which can happen when people fall back into old habits or stop practicing self-care.

At Excel Treatment Center, we utilize SMART Recovery because it is a proven approach for overcoming addiction that has been used around the world for nearly 30 years. It’s based on science and does not focus on spirituality. It offers real-world tools to help you change your thinking, emotions, and behavior—and it can even help you recover from relapse. If you or someone in your life needs help recovering from addiction, then SMART Recovery may be the best option. Our commitment when using SMART recovery is to help clients work through their addiction to be able to come out on the other side and live a full life in recovery. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please reach out to us so that we can help you on this challenging journey through treatment and into recovery. To learn more, call us at (833) 883-9235