After going through addiction treatment, it’s normal for you to feel anxious about returning to work post-treatment. Whether you’re nervous about reintegrating into the working environment or fearful about seeing your co-workers for the first time since treatment, these feelings are valid.
Another factor that may influence your emotions is whether you can return to your previous job post-treatment. Your employer may or may not feel comfortable with you coming back to your previous position. This article will discuss your movement back into the workspace.
What to Consider Before Returning to Work Post-Treatment
There are many things to remember when returning to work post-treatment. Life post-treatment comes with many challenges. You must find a residence, a support system, and other resources to aid your recovery journey. Moreover, you must make sure you’re setting healthy boundaries. This can feel difficult fresh out of treatment.
Unfortunately, finding employment may be another challenge. As mentioned, a previous employer may have concerns about you returning to work. It’s especially tricky if addiction impacted your performance. Luckily, more employers today look at addiction as a disease. Your employer might have resources to offer you, such as employee assistance programs. These kinds of programs may be a great asset as you gain your footing in recovery.
Now Might Be Time for a Change
If you cannot return to an employer post-treatment and need a silver lining, consider that now may be the time to do something new. Recovery is all about making life changes. Why not make one more and consider a new career? Maybe you should throw yourself into a job you always wanted to try.
Treatment can be a perfect time to set new goals for your career and life in recovery. You can begin with small objectives. Instead of jumping right into major career movies, concentrate on becoming comfortable with your newfound life of recovery. Focus on mending relationships and cutting out past acquaintances associated with substance use. Find a support group in your area and attend your first meeting. These are all small tasks you can begin to guide yourself post-treatment.
Considering Other Career Paths or Furthering Your Education
Think about your career goals once you feel more established in your new life of recovery. If you have a hard time deciding what you want to do with the rest of your life, don’t fret. A lot of people have trouble with this. Consider seeing a career counselor or shadowing professionals with jobs that interest you. The more you learn about potential careers, the more you can gauge your interest and weigh the pros and cons.
Another option to consider is if you want to go back to school. Many people pursue education post-treatment, especially if it matches their long-term career goals. Consider programs or fields you would like to learn more about while still in treatment. Then upon leaving treatment, sign up for some courses if it makes sense financially.
Learn to Go With the Flow
If your journey with addiction has taught you anything, it’s that you can never really predict what life is going to throw at you. Planning is necessary, but so is adaptability. Set goals for yourself, but don’t let unexpected turns trigger you.
You don’t need to have everything figured out before leaving treatment. Taking the time to be present and acknowledge that you’ve made it to this point is a priority. Early recovery can be challenging, but take it all in. There will be plenty of time to focus on a new career or re-enter the workforce. If time and finances allow, use early recovery to reintroduce yourself to yourself.
Returning to Work Post-Treatment
When transitioning from inpatient rehab back into the outside world, outpatient programs may serve as a good middle step. These programs are an excellent choice for people who do not need 24/7 care and need to hold steady employment. They are flexible and give clients control over the recovery process.
Telehealth treatment may also be a tool that lets you continue receiving addiction treatment when returning to work. The extra support may offset the added stress of returning to the workforce. Additionally, you can attend outpatient therapy just to help you stay on track with your sobriety. Opportunities for support as you go back to work are endless. All you need is the proper guidance and resources to help you do so.
If you feel nervous about returning to work post-treatment, try not to let it get to you. The whole process of getting sober puts you outside your comfort zone. Instead of feeling worried, think about this as an opportunity for growth and renewal. You’ve created a life of recovery for yourself — focus on the joy of living that life.
If you’re anxious about returning to work post-treatment, know that you are not alone. Life post-treatment comes with many challenges, but these are challenges everyone experiences. Utilize your time in treatment to think about your life and set goals for yourself throughout your long-term recovery. If you need support as you navigate a shift in your career, Excel Treatment Center can help. In addition to inpatient services, we offer multiple outpatient programs of varying intensities. You can gradually re-enter the workplace while still receiving addiction treatment. Our therapists can offer you guidance on making sure you don’t overextend yourself early in recovery. For more information on returning to work post-treatment, call Excel Treatment Center at (833) 883-9235.