How Medication Management Can Help With a Methamphetamine Addiction

Methamphetamine, commonly known as “meth,” “crystal meth,” or “ice,” is a powerful central nervous system stimulant that affects brain function and activity. In addition to being extremely addictive and dangerous, meth abuse can cause serious health problems, including heart attack, stroke, and death. If you’re struggling with a meth addiction, participating in medication-assisted treatment will often be placed on an FDA-approved medication to help manage your addiction. Such programs will help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Long-Term Effects of Meth Use

Methamphetamine is a stimulant drug that can produce feelings of euphoria, increased energy, and wakefulness. Methamphetamines work in the brain by increasing the amount of dopamine, a neurotransmitter released into the system. The use of methamphetamine has been linked to serious health problems, including depression, anxiety, paranoia, and psychosis. Long-term use can also lead to weight loss and tooth decay. Methamphetamine addiction can cause serious health problems such as brain damage or stroke.

Meth Use Can Be Fatal

Meth addiction can be fatal. If you have been exposed to methamphetamine, you may develop an addiction. Methamphetamine is a dangerous drug; if you do not get treated for your addiction quickly, you could overdose.

A medication management program helps individuals recover from methamphetamine addictions by managing their withdrawal symptoms and cravings for the drug. Medication management involves taking another substance, like bupropion, that helps alleviate withdrawal symptoms or cravings for the drug without adversely affecting the person using it or those around them.

Medication management programs should also offer counseling services so patients can learn how to cope with their addictions after completing treatment. Medication management programs are available at many rehab centers across the country, including us here at Excel. We work closely with doctors who prescribe medications like bupropion as part of their therapy plans for patients recovering from meth addictions.

Medication Management for Meth Addiction

Medication management for methamphetamine addiction is a strategy that helps you get through detox and recovery. It can also help you get through the day without cravings.

Medications are an important part of the treatment process for methamphetamine addiction. They can help with a variety of symptoms, including cravings, mood swings, and other psychological effects. Medications can also be helpful during withdrawal because they control the physical symptoms associated with withdrawal.

Medication management can include:

  • A drug called bupropion (Wellbutrin) may help you quit taking meth or reduce your cravings for it. This has been proven effective in helping people with addictions to cocaine and alcohol.
  • The antidepressant fluoxetine (Prozac) may reduce anxiety associated with quitting using meth or abstaining from using the drug altogether.

In addition to the use of an FDA-approved medication to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, people who participate in medication-assisted treatment also receive counseling and therapy. Medication-assisted treatment for meth addiction has proven effective in helping people get clean from methamphetamine abuse. However, it can only work if both components, medication, and counseling, are utilized together as part of an overall plan for recovery.

Is Medication Management Right For Me?

If you are unsure if medication management is right for you, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Do I have a history of alcohol or drug abuse?
  • Have I tried multiple forms of counseling without success?
  • Am I addicted to methamphetamine and ready to quit using it completely?

If the answer to these questions is yes, then medication management might be the best option for your recovery. While there are many factors that contribute to treatment success, incorporating medication into your plan can help improve your chances of overcoming addiction. Medication-assisted treatment involves using a variety of medications, some prescribed by a doctor, others given by injection, or taken orally. Such medications will help manage symptoms related to substance use disorder.

Support Needed During Treatment With Medication Management

If you are ready to get clean and sober, it is important that you have the support of people who love you. This could be your family, friends, or even your healthcare provider. In addition, many different resources are available to help support your recovery from methamphetamine addiction, such as:

  • A 12-step program like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a valuable resource for those seeking treatment for methamphetamine addiction. The steps involve admitting that an addiction exists and asking for help from others to get on the road to recovery.
  • Other drug rehabilitation programs, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), may also be effective at helping people recover from methamphetamine use disorders by teaching them new ways of thinking about their substance abuse problem.

At Excel Treatment Center, we understand that methamphetamine addiction is an ever-growing problem in the United States and can be fatal if left untreated. Medication management is a treatment option that can help you overcome your addiction and get back on track with your life. Proper medication management can help you manage cravings and prevent serious problems such as overdose. If you or someone you know struggles with meth addiction, don’t wait; get help today. Our highly trained medical professionals want to help you and your loved one through this process to overcome addiction and be successful in recovery, whether it be an addiction to methamphetamine or another type of drug or alcohol. We also work with families to help all members understand addiction as a disease to help them work together when managing the symptoms. To learn more about our programs, reach out to us and call (833) 883-9235.

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