A Guide to Finding Treatment for Your Anger Problem in Bala Cynwyd, PA

Anger is a normal, healthy emotion that we all feel from time to time. But nine percent of US adults experience anger issues that make them prone to violence. 

Signs of an anger problem include lack of control, violence, and social withdrawal. Uncontrolled anger can also raise the risk of a stroke by 50 percent. And 66 percent of traffic fatalities involve aggressive driving as the result of anger. 

For those affected, anger management can help with identifying causes and controlling anger. Check out this guide to finding treatment for an anger problem in Bala Cynwyd, PA. 

How Anger Management Can Help

Many people think that anger management teaches people to suppress their anger. In reality, anger management seeks to understand the message behind the anger. This then makes emotions easier to express, but in a healthy and controlled way. 

As a result, anger management allows people to gain control of their anger and mental wellness in general. The process also helps with conflict resolution, relationships, and vocalizing needs.

It can be difficult to break out of established patterns. But managing anger in a constructive way leads to a healthier, more fulfilling life. 

Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders

Often, anger issues may be one of several co-occurring disorders. These can include anxiety, addiction, and depression.

Here, alcohol or drug abuse may have worsened anger issues. Or it could be that angry outbursts are signs of undiagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

The exact interaction between various disorders isn’t relevant. The right plan should treat all disorders as having an equal impact. This is why it’s important to seek an individualized treatment plan that focuses on the patient as a whole. 

Group vs Individual Anger Management Therapy

Anger management services can involve both individual and group therapy. Some people might prefer one or the other, while some people may combine both as part of their individual treatment plan. 

The main benefit of individual anger management is a consistent and personalized approach. That said, working as a group can be especially beneficial for those with anger problems.

Group therapy helps establish a support network, which is useful following treatment. Groups also make it easier to use role-play as a tool for practicing anger control. And hearing the experiences of others can provide new insight and inspiration. 

Ongoing Mental Wellness

The best anger management services will offer guidance for ongoing mental wellness. This often involves coping mechanisms and strategies when confronted with triggering situations.

Some therapies might promote the benefits of yoga, mindfulness, or taking deep breaths. Others might show how the mood-boosting effects of exercise can also help with anger regulation and mental health. The strategy isn’t what’s important, though. It’s more about helping individuals find their way to a calmer, healthier future. 

Finding Treatment for an Anger Problem 

Anger problems can take their toll on an individual’s health, relationships, and more. Those with difficulty controlling their anger could also be masking other co-occurring disorders. This is why finding treatment for anger issues is so important for anyone feeling out of control.  

For more information about anger management services in Bala Cynwyd, PA, contact us here at Excel Treatment Center today.