5 Signs of Cannabis Addiction in Dover, NJ

Did you know that 16% of Americans say they smoke marijuana currently and almost half say they’ve tried it? More Americans smoke weed than cigarettes now, but that raises the question: Can you get addicted to cannabis?

If you think you or a loved one might need cannabis addiction treatment, there are a few ways to know for sure. The following guide will cover 5 telltale signs of cannabis addiction to monitor.

Before you take another puff, read on to learn more about weed addiction.

1. Weed Interferes with Daily Life

It’s a sign of cannabis addiction if smoking hurts a person’s usual performance at home, work, or school. Also, if smoking marijuana prevents a person from attending social events or enjoying hobbies, it’s a sign.

Interference in daily life activities is the easiest way to tell if you have an issue with marijuana and might need inpatient rehab.

2. Intense Cravings

If cannabis isn’t available, a user might get a strong urge to use it or experience frustration. Both of those symptoms are signs that the person’s marijuana usage is an issue in their life.

If someone has constant cravings and loses control around using weed, then it’s time for them to pursue the help of a professional.

3. Continuing Problematic Usage

If someone knows they have problems caused by marijuana usage and they continue to do it regardless, it’s a sign of addiction. Ignoring symptoms and making excuses about smoking weed usually means a person is dependent on cannabis.

You might notice that a user no longer keeps up their hygiene or personal appearance. They might also appear tired all the time from lack of sleep and have bloodshot eyes. If the person regularly drives while high on marijuana, it’s another sign of addiction.

4. High Tolerance

You might notice that you or someone you love needs bigger doses of marijuana than they used to. They might start using stronger strains of cannabis to achieve the same effect after smoking for a long time.

In this case, it’s another obvious sign that the person has built up a strong tolerance to weed. Unfortunately, this might lead the person to find other drugs to get the same result marijuana used to produce.

5. Prioritizing Cannabis

If you or a loved one puts too much priority on marijuana, pay close attention to usage and habits. Typically, devoting too much time to weed means other important areas of life get neglected.

It also demonstrates a powerful craving for weed that might hold power over the user. If cannabis becomes a top priority, it usually negatively affects the decision-making of the user.

Treating Cannabis Addiction

The earlier you identify cannabis addiction, the easier it is to treat. Remember this guide and watch out for the 5 signs of weed addiction mentioned to keep your mind, body, and relationships healthy.

You can contact us at the Excel Treatment Center if you have more questions about marijuana addiction and treatment options. Our recovery specialists always treat every patient with understanding, love, and care.