Dover, NJ Rehab: 5 Signs of a Gambling Addiction to Look Out For

In the United States alone, approximately 2 million adults have a severe gambling addiction, and 4 to 6 million adults have mild to moderate problems. It’s important to remember that gambling addiction can affect people of all ages and backgrounds.

If you’re concerned that you or a loved one could have a gambling addiction, it’s best to take a step back and learn more about this type of addiction. Knowing the signs of a gambling addiction can help you identify these behaviors and get the treatment you need to live a healthy life.

In this guide, you’ll learn about five signs of a gambling addiction you need to watch out for.

1. Lying About Gambling Habits

Lying to hide a gambling problem is a telltale sign you must be aware of. If you find yourself or a loved one attempting to conceal gambling by hiding bank statements or receipts, you need to pay attention.

Key behaviors you’ll notice include lying and saying you’re working late, but in reality, you’re spending the evening gambling.

2. Not Being Able to Stop Gambling

It’s essential to realize that any addiction, including gambling, means that a person cannot stop or even control their behavior.

You can tell the difference when you look at experienced poker players and gamblers who can walk away when they know they’ve hit their spending limit. When gambling turns compulsive, you’re powerless to stop and lose control over the time and money you’re spending.

3. Gambling Until You Have No Money Left

Another significant sign you have gambling issues is gambling to the point that you have no money left. You’ll also find yourself trying to borrow money from other people or even engaging in criminal activities to finance your gambling habits.

Overall, compulsive gambling leads you to gamble your money and other people’s money until the problem gets to a breaking point where you’re forced to stop.

4. Denial of Your Gambling Habits

Denial is a significant sign of addiction that many people overlook, and because of this, they don’t seek the gambling treatment they need.

No matter what the addiction is, the first step in any addiction treatment program is admitting you have a problem. If gambling has taken over your life and finances, and you still won’t admit that it’s become a problem, then you’re in a state of denial.

5. Behavioral Symptoms

gambling disorder is a condition that involves continued gambling behaviors that can significantly affect your mental health, finances, and relationships. Gambling behaviors affect your brain’s reward center like other addictions, causing you to experience problems with impulse control.

People who gamble experience strong emotions such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Isolating themselves
  • Suicidal tendencies

In addition, when you have a gambling addiction, you’re at higher risk for mood and anxiety disorders. This is why when you go to a rehab facility, you’ll also receive treatment for co-occurring disorders like PTSD or depression.

Knowing the Signs of a Gambling Addiction

Knowing more about the signs of a gambling addiction can help you identify these signs in yourself or a loved one.

If you need help dealing with a gambling addiction in Dover, NJ, you can turn to Excel Treatment Center. We realize how a gambling addiction can take over your life and will help you overcome your addiction for good.

We’ll provide you with a personalized level of care and create a custom treatment plan that meets your needs. We also offer a comfortable and positive environment that will allow you to recover successfully.

Make sure you contact us today to start the treatment process.